无论是针对亚裔美国人, 还是其他族裔的暴力或种族主义言行,都不利于任何问题的解决,并且在任何情况下都不应被容忍。
众多亚裔个人和商家遭受到的暴力恐吓、袭击等歧视、仇恨事件, 是种族恐怖主义的表现,我们对此深表哀痛。这些针对所有亚裔美国人的恐怖主义行为,如不及时制止,极有可能升级恶化,后果将不堪设想。
我们特别呼吁所有亚裔美国个人及各社区团体共同努力,联系相关地区的议员,让他们支持COVID-19 Hate Crime Act, 以打击遏制针对亚裔的犯罪。让我们的声音被听到。最后,我们要求联邦和地方执法当局立即采取必要行动,以确保对佐治亚州案件的肇事者依法进行全面起诉并惩处。
NECAA Statement
on Georgia Shootings and Anti-Asian Violence
New England Chinese American Alliance (NECAA) hereby shares our grief for the loss of the eight people murdered this Tuesday in Georgia. Seven of the eight victims are women, and six of them are of Asian descent. We are outraged and heartbroken by the senseless massacre.
Regardless of the motivation of the slaughter, it is a crime involving innocent Asian Americans being victimized, which unfortunately occurred repeatedly even well before this case.
The historic increase in the anti-Chinese and anti-Asian American incidents and assaults during the past year not only threatens the Asian American and Pacific Islanders (AAPI) community, but also shakens the stability of the entire American society. The trend must be ceased immediately before more tragic events take place. Violence or Racism in any shape or form, whether directed to Asian Americans or anyone else, could not solve any issue in this country and should not be tolerated in any circumstances.
We are deeply saddened by the racial terrorism occurred, where countless Asian Americans and Asian-owned businesses have been subjects to xenophobic discrimination and hate crimes. The heinous act reflects a rising public crisis and is an act of terrorism against all Asian Americans.
NECAA demands that the Federal Government, local law enforcement agencies and community leaders must immediately take action to address the surge in anti-Asian crimes and to ensure the safety of Asian Americans and businesses. These actions can include but not limited to increased community policing and outreach, establishing anti-hate crime units, clearly define the hate crime, and expedited investigations and prosecution of racially motivated assaults.
We also call on all Asian Americans and Asian American community groups to contact your district congressmen to ask them to support COVID-19 Hate Crime Act to combat anti-Asian crimes. Loud our voice and make ourselves visible. Finally, we demand that federal and local law enforcement authorities take immediate action to ensure that the perpetrator(s) of the Georgia case will be charged and prosecuted to the full extent of the law.
We demand and deserve a better America that is safe for all of its citizens.
New England Chinese American Alliance
March 18, 2021
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