新英格兰华人联盟(NECAA)正在与麻州萨福克郡地区检察署(SCDAO)的社区参与和社区再投资委员会合作, 利用暑假时间, 组织义工(特别是青少年), 举办社区服务日, 走入社区, 提供服务!
首次社区服务日, 我们将于7月22日启动,我们会组织义工团队与SCDAO办公室一起, 来到波士顿, 打扫街道!

活动日期: 2023年7月22日星期六(如果下雨改星期日)
活动时间: 7:30am Check-In, 8:00am-2:00pm
打扫街道: Lindsey St, Boston, MA 02124

Volunteer Recruitment Notice | NECAA and Suffolk County District Attorney’s Office Hold Community Service Day
The New England Chinese American Alliance (NECAA) is collaborating with the Suffolk County District Attorney’s Office (SCDAO) Community Engagement and Community Reinvestment Grant Committee to organize a volunteer (especially youth) community service day during the summer break, reaching out to the community and providing services!
For the inaugural community service day, we will be starting on July 22nd. We will organize a volunteer team to join the SCDAO office and clean the streets in Boston!
Volunteer hours can count towards NECAA’s nomination for Presidential Volunteer Service Award!
Event Date: Saturday, July 22, 2023 (rain date: Sunday)
Event Time: 7:30 am Check-In, 8:00 am-2:00 pm
Street Cleaning: Lindsey St, Boston, MA 02124
Contact Person: Gary Yu (俞国梁)
gary@necaa.net or WeChat: yglusa
Jun Qi junqi101@gmail.com or WeChat junqi101
Registration: https://forms.gle/5wyuNcByoqw7JC8cA

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