2024 庆麻州农历新年日

2024 庆麻州农历新年日

2024年2月10日,首届波士顿农历新年春晚成功在Boston City Hall举行。 当晚,夜幕降临,雄伟的Boston City Hall里里外外都被鲜艳的春节红照亮,这也是首次市政府通过灯光与亚裔社区共庆春节。 这次春晚活动不仅是农历新年庆祝活动的一个里程碑,也对麻州和波士顿的亚裔社区有不同凡响的意义。 这次历史性的活动背后,是无数群体的无条件支持和合作:以鸿业集团和海南航空为首的10余家赞助商们的慷慨支持、20多位组委会成员的精心筹谋、200多位演员的精彩表演还有近百位义工们的辛勤付出,使得活动能够成功举办。...
NECAA Annual Gala Successfully Held

NECAA Annual Gala Successfully Held

On the evening of October 11th, the New England Chinese American Alliance (NECAA) Annual Alliance Gala was successfully held at the Boston City Hall Pavilion. Hundreds of guests attended. The event was graced by the presence of notable figures including Boston Mayor...
Statement on Racist Attack on Boston T-line

Statement on Racist Attack on Boston T-line

NECAA Annual Gala

NECAA Annual Gala

Join us for an unforgettable evening of purpose and celebration at our annual gala! As a non-profit organization dedicated to making a meaningful impact, we’re excited to invite you to come.  Your presence at this event will not only add to the festivities but...
捐血献爱心 | 红十字会独立日献血活动🩸🩸

捐血献爱心 | 红十字会独立日献血活动🩸🩸

每年的7月4日是美国独立日,整个星期都是庆祝美国独立日的时刻,  到处是欢快的海洋。 继4月14日,NECAA携手红十字会在波士顿日举行献血活动 圆满成功之后, NECAA联合兄弟组织UCA – MA、APAPA – Boston, 再次携手红十字会, 在波士顿举行独立日献血活动,让我们一起回馈社区。 名额有限, 仅限30名, 当天提供特别小礼物! Please join us for a blood drive at Co-Sponsored by New England Chinese American...