NECAA Endorsed Candidates

NECAA Endorsed Candidates

Announcement: Congrats our endorsed candidates who made the ballot at this weekend’s MassDems Convention! @maura_healey for Governor @TamiGouveiaMA for Lt. Governor @ShannonForAG for Attorney General @Tanisha4MA for Sec. of the Commonwealth @cdempc for State...
我是亚裔,我自豪 2022

我是亚裔,我自豪 2022

我是亚裔,我自豪 #Asian Pride “将亚裔历史跑入美国中小学课堂” 2022年5月15号 周日, 8:00AM – 1:45PM Boston Common NECAA (新英格兰华人联盟) 联合Asian Community Fund of the Boston Foundation, Coalition of Anti-Racism in Education (CARE),...


关于举行”将亚裔历史写入美国中小学课程”活动的倡议书 4/11/2021 周日 ,下午四点, BOSTON COMMON 亚裔在美国的生存环境日益恶劣。COVID-19在全球的肆虐,并且把疫情归咎为亚裔的错误引导,更使针对亚裔的各种伤害事件层出不穷,愈演愈烈。3月16日在亚特兰大发生的枪击事件导致6名亚裔女性遇害,震惊了全美亚裔社区。身为亚裔的我们,不禁要深深地思考:为什么历史上相当一部分美国民众并不认为亚裔是美国的一部分?...

#AsianPride Gather in Boston Common 4/11

Join in a community gather to call upon our schools to include the teaching of Asian American history and culture in the K-12 curriculum. The event will feature the voices of Asian youth with an inaugural musical performance of their inspirational song entitled “We...
Rally and Running

Rally and Running

New England Chinese American Alliance (NECAA) would cordially invite your organization to participate in a Rally & Running through eight cities/towns along the world-famous Boston Marathon route as a co-organizer of this event. The purpose of the event is to show...